Do you sometimes feel completely out of balance, having no time and space for reflection?
Do you feel struggle to preserve healthy boundaries between work and life?
Do you live under the stress of the toxic culture of busyness – one of the pathways to ultimately burnout? If you answered yes to any of those, I know exactly how it feels.
So, I turned my search inwards by slowing down, silencing my ever-thinking mind and just listening to myself. My aspiration and consistency helped me to direct all of my attention to my inner world. Years of reading, researching, attending workshops/conferences/seminars led me to discover my true passion – Master Life Coaching. After being coached I experienced the moment of my awakening, the moment of a lifechanging realization… who I truly am, why I am here, and deep understanding of what life is. I found peace, inner harmony and bridged the gap on work-life balance. Since then, executive burnout coaching became my true purpose and contribution to the world. I’m here to help you, successful in your careers people, create success from within. I want you to reignite the fire of life, reconnect with your inner self, stop stressing about the past and feeling anxious about the future and start living in the NOW, unfolding the life of your dreams…